The Hall of Fame Awards celebrates pioneers or wave-makers from the industry who have contributed to the development of advertising over the past 50 years. Honourees would have led the creation or advancement of a specific aspect or segment of the industry whilst upholding the best business ethics and professional principles. Not only would these esteemed individuals have contributed to the advertising field but also to their community, exhibiting environmental and social responsibility. The Hall of Fame Awards began in 2013 and is a biennial event.
The AAATT hosts the Creative Awards biennially where the best creative work, produced both locally and regionally, are honoured. Three international judges in the industry are enlisted to provide a critical overview of the work produced. The Awards may be followed by a creative workshop held by one of the judges. The Awards provide an opportunity for the local industry to see first-hand the creative ideas and work of their peers, exchange ideas, and generally have a really good time!